

Die FORUM MEDIA GROUP GMBH (FMG) ist ein international tätiges Medienunternehmen mit Sitz in Merching (Bayern). Die FMG zählt zu den „größten Fachverlagen Deutschlands“ (kress pro, 2022). 2021 erzielte die Gruppe einen Jahresumsatz von mehr als 100 Mio. EUR und beschäftigt derzeit knapp 1.100 Mitarbeiter in Europa, Asien, Nordamerika und Australien. Der Fokus des 1988 gegründeten Unternehmens liegt auf der Bereitstellung entscheidungsrelevanter Informationen für Geschäftskunden, beruflicher Fort- und Weiterbildung sowie Magazinen, Special-Interest-Publikationen und Events für Endkunden.

Wir sind Profis darin, Entscheider mit dem Wissen zu versorgen, das sie im Alltag benötigen.

Lebenslanges Lernen soll nützlich sein, und Freude machen. Das wissen und können wir.

Jeder muss gelegentlich auch „abschalten“: Hochwertige Unterhaltung ist unsere Mission.

Die FORUM-Werte

FEUERWEHR is published in Germany and puts out ten issues per year. The magazine — which is now in its 69th year — has succeeded at establishing itself as a strong and well-known brand. FEUERWEHR - Retten - Löschen - Bergen provides its readers with captivating mission reports that contain in-depth tactical approaches as well as crucial information concerning state-of-the-art technology, equipment and training, jurisdiction and standards. FEUERWEHR addresses full-time and voluntary fire fighters, those responsible for fire protection, rescue services, and disaster management as well as public agencies, associations, ministries, engineering offices, insurance companies, and the industry.

FORUM VERLAG HERKERT GmbH (FVHG) already offers a large number of fire protection products for municipalities, specialist engineers and the industry in its portfolio. FORUM VERLAG HERKERT GmbH’s Publishing Director, Dorothe Koeller on the acquisition: "The trade magazine FEUERWEHR is a perfect match for our existing portfolio. We are burning to create additional offers for the fire and rescue service industry and plan to establish a product family that pertains to the magazine’s strong brand in order to be able to comprehensively cater to the professional needs of the people who are part of the large and very dedicated fire and rescue services community.”

 Zukauf Feuerwehr 2

Celebrating the conclusion of the contract on January 16th, 2019: Christoph Huss (Managing Partner of HUSS-Medien GmbH), Dorothe Koeller (Publishing Director of FVHG) and Magdalena Balanicka (FMG Managing Director)

Both, FORUM MEDIA GROUP and FORUM VERLAG HERKERT GmbH are planning further strategic acquisitions in the media sector.

FORUM VERLAG HERKERT GMBH (FVHG) was founded by Ronald Herkert in 1988. It forms the nucleus of today's globally acting FORUM MEDIA GROUP and is its best-performing company. As a specialist publisher, FORUM VERLAG HERKERT GmbH comprehensively supports specialists and executives in their professional challenges. It offers specialist information and customized professional tools in print and digital media. In addition, FVHG’s AKADEMIE HERKERT offers a wide range of professional training courses. For further information please visit: www.forum-verlag.com

FORUM MEDIA GROUP GMBH (FMG) is an international media company headquartered in Merching (Germany) and a holding company of leading professional publishing houses. In 2018 FMG achieved a turnover of 120 million Euro and employed more than 1,200 employees on four continents. Since its inception in 1988, FORUM MEDIA GROUP has provided business clients with high quality information products, professional training, and further education. The FORUM MEDIA GROUP also offers a large portfolio of special interest publications, magazines, and renowned events. For further information please visit: www.forum-media.com

HUSS-MEDIEN GMBH is a traditional B2B publishing house. With magazines, special publications and reference books it provides specialists and executives in industry, trade and craft with practical and background knowledge. The main topics are technology, fire protection, gastronomy, construction and law. The magazines have become well-known brands in their markets and have established themselves as communication platforms. Furthermore, congresses, award ceremonies and professional trainings in the form of seminars or webinars are offered. For further information please visit: www.huss.de


Mitarbeiter weltweit
15 %
Ø jährliches Wachstum
Mio. Umsatz 2021
25 Mio.
Kontakte zu Entscheidern jährlich