How do you organize collaboration in a modern office? How can you plan appointments well and support managers? We offer a wide range of information for assistance and office management.

Professional training at AKADEMIE HERKERT
AKADEMIE HERKERT offers a wide range of further training courses for employees in the areas of executive assistance, management assistance, team assistance, secretarial services and office management. The seminars, courses and conferences offer practical knowledge for all areas of day-to-day work. One highlight is the training courses on various office tools, which are helpful for all office staff.

Ausbilder:innentag in Austria
The Austrian AKADEMIE HERKERT offers a special event highlight with the Ausbilder:innentag, a hybrid conference for all those involved in the topic of apprenticeship training. Training is a constant balancing act between dealing with young people, the requirements of the economy and constantly changing legal framework conditions. Practical solutions for all these focal points of apprenticeship training will be discussed at the Trainers’ Day.