We provide you with the information and services you need to implement current guidelines and make your company sustainable and environmentally conscious.

Online seminar on sustainability reporting in accordance with CSRD/ESRS
The European Sustainability Reporting Standards (ESRS) is the new standard for sustainability reporting in the EU. From 2024, the Corporate Sustainability Reporting Directive (CSRD) will gradually oblige companies to disclose sustainability-related information in the management report. AKADEMIE HERKERT provides information on the risks and opportunities associated with the sustainability report in its seminar Implementing sustainability reporting in accordance with CSRD/ESRS in the company. The seminar was awarded the GreepUp Award in 2024.

Handbook on Planning and economic efficiency of photovoltaic systems
Whether with or without subsidies – there are many things that need to be considered when planning new photovoltaic systems and their economical operation. Planners, installers and operators must work closely together to find individual solutions for PV systems. This German handbook – available in printed or digital form – is the ideal aid for implementing the legal and technical requirements when planning PV systems.