We also provide many tools, specialist knowledge and further training opportunities in the areas of education, upbringing and training.

Group diary for child daycare centers
Children’s data, attendance lists, weekly planning, etc. – educators and daycare center managers must constantly document everyday life in their daycare facilities. Our German Group Diary offers successful support in everyday daycare. Work and organization templates such as data lists, attendance lists and weekly schedules facilitate group documentation and bundle important information.

Kinderschutz-Paket (Child Protection Package)
This package from the German FORUM VERLAG HERKERT covers the most important aspects of child protection for anyone who works with children in a professional or voluntary capacity: What is allowed when dealing with children? Where are the boundaries? And what should be done if there is any suspicion that a child’s welfare is at risk? The tried-and-tested documentation aids and guidelines for risk assessment make it possible to meet the requirements of child protection even better.

Apprentice training in Austria
Our Austrian AKADEMIE HERKERT offers a wide range of courses for apprentices and trainees. Not only can teenagers and young adults improve their foreign language skills, they also gain detailed insights into Office applications and learn the basics for a successful start to their professional careers.